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Image Source: CNN

Tserniev Brothers Brigada

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Not much to say about these 2 Kyrgyzistan brothers named Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, but listed them here in a memory for the annual Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013. These 2 brothers were the responsible for the event as the intelligence indicated.

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Image Source: Archive ceska pozice

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Jamaat Shariat Brigada AKA Vilyat Dagestan

Vilayat Dagestan formerly known as Jamaat Shariat Brigada, was an Islamist Jihadist group that was active in the Russian republic of Dagestan and is part of the  Emirates Kavkaz. The group formed during the Second Chechen War in favor of Dagestan's independence as an Islamic state. The terror activity is mainly in Dagestan and North Caucasus. Rappani Khalilov was the militant leader of this group.

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Caucasus Emirates AKA Imarat Kavkaz

This group is active in Northern Caucasus. It was recognized as a terrorist organization in the United States and Russia. The full name is the "Islamic State Imarat Kavkaz".
Active since  October 7, 2007, and was formed by Doku Umarov AKA Dokka Abu Usman. Recognized as a self-proclaimed Islamic state group in the North Caucasus.

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Caucasus Front Organization

Caucasus Front Organization was known also as Caucasian Mujahadeen, formed On May 2005 as an Islamic structural unit of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria's armed forces by  Abdul-Halim Sadulayev during the Second Chechen War. This Organization united various rebel Jamaat groups across the North Caucasus, including the Ingush Jamaat, Shariat Jamaat, Yarmuk Jamaat and Kataib al-Khoul, to fight the Russian rule not only in Chechnya but also in the rest of the Russian Caucasus. No longer active.

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Riyad-us Saliheen Brigade of Martyrs

Important to mention this Martyrs Brigada. This Brigada was commanded by  Shamil Basayev. The Brigada responsible and carried out suicide attacks especially in the Caucasus but also in Russia. The Brigada was responsible for the Beslan school hostage crisis and the theater siege in Moscow. To mention that this group used woman for suicide attacks known as Chechen Black Widows or "Shahidka" they have usually lost their husbands, brothers or close relatives in one of the two Chechen wars that Russia fought against Islamist rebels since 1994. Was active in early 2000's, No longer active.

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